The new company bulding is ready and the move starts. In addition to the daily work the Geppert employees managet all the difficulties with full power. Due to the enormus engagement from the Geppert emloyees also the unexpected problems could be handeld in a a very professional way. To avoid delivery delays all the little and big things are packed and unpacked following a masterplan.
The wide doorway in front of the shipping area ensures that the outgoing material can be shipped fast and professional. To avoid demaged of the good and to protect the receiver of the goods a big projecting roof protects the empolyees and the goods.
Because of the modern ramps the load or unload is for little trucks or big motortrucks very easy possible. The forklifts can directly go to the trucks. To avoid demaged of the good and to protect the receiver of the goods a big projecting roof protects the empolyees and the goods.
With more than 1000 qm and 7 meters height the production hall is the centerpiece. Modern cranes helps to put the very heavy premium stell waves and engines together. Therefore the transport from all those heavy pieces can be done without physical strenght.