In the manufacture of semiconductors, agitators are mainly used in conditioning of polishing and cutting suspensions, etchants and other auxiliary chemicals, cleaning solutions, or in chemicals recycling. Requirements placed on stirring systems are extremely demanding.
Almost always, clean room conditions prevail, meaning that drives and seals must be designed with no abrasion or leakage. Parts that come into contact with the medium, such as the shaft and stirring element, often have to be produced with metalfree surfaces due to the aggressiveness of the media and the purity requirements.
Also in this area, Geppert Rührtechnik can look back on a very successful history. All well-known chip manufacturers belong to our client base, as well as the manufacturers of the specialty chemicals used in this field. In addition, our agitators are used in broad solar cell production areas. Geppert supplies a significant proportion of agitators to a group of satisfied customers, year after year, for both chip and solar cell manufacture.